Direct Access Family Barrister - Richard Balchin

CORONA EMERGENCY SERVICE : The Corona Emergency means almost all court hearings are now conducted by Skype or other Video Conferencing. I am fully equipped to handle such hearings - so contact me for details of how I can help you at this difficult time.

I offer my services as a Barrister, Family Arbitrator and Private FDR 'Judge' online via Telephone, Email, WhatsApp, SKYPE and other Virtual Conferencing Apps. I am also able to attend court where necessary as many cases are now being heard with only Advocates being physically allowed into Court and clients having to join the hearing by video link.

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Why use Richard Balchin as your Direct Access Barrister ?

Richard Balchin is a Barrister with 22 years practising experience at the Family Law Bar. He is also a Deputy District Judge of the Family and County Courts and a specialist Family Law Arbitrator.

Richard takes ‘Direct Access’ work seriously - and gives direct access clients the same high level of client care my regular solicitor clients expect -

• A free ‘no obligation’ initial consultation to discuss your requirements

• Highly competitive fees

• Available to clients ‘outside office hours’ including at weekends by email, mobile telephone or SKYPE/Facetime and other Virtual Conferencing apps where necessary

Full details about my experience and practice can be found here >

What Clients have said

“ I am just dropping you a note to thank you again most sincerely for frankly the most straightforward legal engagement I have ever had. I appreciated your advice and counsel, and I particularly appreciated the care with which you dealt with me personally. I would recommend your service to anyone with a brain. You have lifted an enormous burden from me and your presence was enormously beneficial." - Company Director following a divorce

I can only thank you for everything you have done for me and perhaps more importantly for the manner in which you performed it. I am extremely grateful and acknowledge the extra mile you went continually' -
Company Director following successful divorce negotiations

" Thank you for such a great result. You were down to Earth and much more affordable than I had feared"
Recent client - Dentist getting divorced

Please express my heartfelt thanks to Richard. He achieved an excellent result for me. I would not hesitate to recommend his services. Absolutely brilliant Police Officer going through a divorce

For more feedback from clients click here

What is Direct Access ?

In the past you could only use a Barrister by first retaining a Solicitor.

All that has now changed - now you can ‘go direct’ to a specially qualified ’Direct Public Access’ Barrister for advice and representation in the Divorce or Family Court.

You can use your Barrister for as much - or as little - as you want, need or can afford. There is no retainer and all services are tailor made to your requirements.

Some clients simply want representation at a particular hearing and do the rest themselves as Litigants in Person.

Others want a more comprehensive ‘start to finish’ service. The choice is yours.

Before using a Direct Public Access Barrister you are advised to read the Bar Standard Board's public guide.

What I specialise in

I specialise in :

Children Law including 'Child Arrangements' and 'Schedule 1' financial applications

Cohabitation Law including 'TOLATA' applications

Court of Protection work


Divorce Property & Finances including Financial Remedies Court proceedings

Family Law 'Non Molestation' Injunctions

Financial Remedies

Inheritance Law

Related Civil Applications

Full details of my areas of expertise can be found here >

What I can do for you

As well as representing you in Court I can :

Advise you by telephone, Skype, email and in ‘face to face’ meetings

Write Legal Letters and Documents on your behalf

Correspond with the 'other side' to make your life easier

Negotiate you a settlement

Represent you at Negotiations, Mediations and Arbitrations

Full details about what I can do for you can be found here >

How you can instruct me

To instruct me on a Direct Public Access basis please email me a short summary of your situation or telephone me and I will get back to you as soon as I can for a free ‘no obligation’ initial discussion.

Please note I am not permitted to give free legal advice as such without receiving formal instructions.

Transparency Information

Richard Balchin is a Barrister in independent practice and is regulated by the Bar Standards Board and professional rules of the Bar Council. He is insured by the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund and is a member of the Inner Temple and Family Law Bar Association. He primarily practices from Trinity Chambers in Chelmsford and from 5 Chancery Lane in London and is also a door tenant at Quartz Barristers. As an Arbitrator he is also regulated by the rules of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and Institute of Family Law Arbitrators.

I am specifically required to provide links to the Bar Standards Board's Guide to Public Access Barristers, to the Legal Ombudsman's decisions page, to the BSB Barrister Register and to my chambers' Complaints Policy.

Direct Access Family Barrister - Regulated by the Bar Standards Board Contact/Book me

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